Missing Classmates

Help us find our missing classmates.  You can do this in 2 ways:

  1. If you know a missing classmate's EMail address, simply click on their name, enter their email address in the space provided, and click on "Send Invite".  The website will send a generic invitation from GPHS71.org requesting them to join.  Additionally, if you do not believe it would breach any confidentiality, please click on the CONTACT US link (above) and send us a note.  Please include:  Your name, the missing classmates name, and the email address that you entered.
  2. If you do not know the missing classmates EMail, but you have other information that would help us contact them, click on the CONTACT US link (above) and send us an email detailing what you know.  Sometimes the combined knowledge of several classmates will fill in the missing pieces. 

James Abbott
David B. Alexander
Jefferson Beatty
David Berryhill
M. E. Borton (Johnson)
James Broadway
Bill Carol
Brad Clark
Larry Dewberry
Joe Dodson
Mary Dorrough
Ralph Fiol
Susan Foster
Eddie Francis
Rhonda Fulton
Richard Glymph
Donna Hallmark
Barbara Hunter
Tommy Jernigan
Rosie Juarez
James Eugene King
Ronny Lewis
James Molett
Ruby Mosley
Donna Peacock
Patsy Rogers (Walker)
Linda Smith
Benita Stout (Clark)
Connie Thompkins
Donna Trujillo (Penny)
Barbara Williams