In Memory

Jan Graham (Peterman)

Jan Graham (Peterman)

Janice Lynn Graham Peterman
June 26, 1953 – September 23, 2024

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Mrs. Janice Graham Peterman, on September 23, 2024. Born on June 26, 1953. Janice lived a life full of love and happiness, surrounded by her loved ones until the end. Those who were close to her know her by her unstoppable spirit. She was the rock you could always depend on and light to all who knew her. Janice vibrancy and enduring smile will forever remain etched in our memories. 

She leaves behind her husband of 44 years  Micheal Henry Peterman, daughter Liberty  Lane,, son Micheal Ryan Peterman, and brother Mark Graham.  Janice's love for her family was immeasurable and she cherished every moment spent with them. On this day, we celebrate Janice's life that was so beautifully lived and the hearts she deeply touched. 

 Janice loved her career as a nurse and helping care for others until retirement age. She was always rushing to help other people in need. Her high energy and enthusiasm for life was compared to none. She most loved being in her garden, “the secret garden”, bird watching with her husband Micheal. She will be forever missed. 

Janice wanted a Celebration of Life, which will be held on October 12th, 2024 at a Family Residence.  All who loved her are welcome to attend by calling for the location details. Click the Events Tab to access more information if you will be joining in the Celebration.,%20TX.%20June%2026,%201953%20-

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10/02/24 12:40 PM #1    

Juli McIlhenny (Potter)

Sad news about sweet Jan. Rest in peace.


10/03/24 02:27 AM #2    

Sheilah Smith (Lackey)

Sad news to read this morning. Jan was always a happy, sweet girl in high school. Condolences to her family.

10/03/24 10:07 AM #3    

Jan Waggoner (Herwick)

I loved and adored her and my heart is broken.  We used to hang out quite a bit.  She made me smile all the time.  God has her in his arms now.  Rest in peace, my sweet friend. 

10/03/24 11:28 AM #4    

Sherry Burton (Gleason)

 I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I enjoyed so much being a drill team officer with Jan. I even ran into her at my doctor's office years later while she was his nurse. It's hard to believe that she's no longer with us; her sudden and unexpected passing has been difficult on many, I know. 

Condolences to her family and friends.  R.I.P., Jan.


10/03/24 11:40 AM #5    

Lynda Cox (Frost)

So sorry to hear of Jan's passing. Michael and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.  

10/04/24 01:51 PM #6    

Marty Beebe (Faulkner)

During our high school years, Jan and I were such good friends.  She could always be counted on to bring a listening ear and beautiful smile to any conversation.  As a kind and loving person, she touched many of our hearts.  I know she will be greatly missed.  

10/05/24 07:04 PM #7    

Dyanne Hostetler (Baxter)

Jan and I started our friendship at Bowie  elementary. We both lived in Indian Hills. I left my time visiting with her at her house. Her mom was always so kind. God bless her beautiful family as they deal with the loss of their beautiful girl. Rest in peace, my dear friend.

10/07/24 11:13 AM #8    

Sheri Griffin (Munsch)

And now Jan is also gone much too soon.  We've lost so many of our old friends, too many.  We have only recently entered our 70s.  We should be enoying all the things our golden years promised.  I have come to dread seeing an email from Charlie in my Inbox.  I truly appreciate you Charlie and the work you do to keep us informed, but I so wish you had more happy information to share with us.  But that is our fault isn't it.  I don't ever post anything to our class website.  Perhaps many of you do and I don't take the time to look.  I will try to do better.  Sheri 

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